
Tell the story of your home and your identity through original fabric combinations, selected uniquely for you.

The fast interior market is growing, with mass-produced textiles of the most current trends flooding the market, limiting the quality and individualised options available in retail. With these selections quickly dating due to the high turnover of trends in the fast fashion industry, unsustainable practices prevail. This is regarding frequent consumer disposal and supporting mass production as appose to small businesses.

So, what’s the alternative?

Here at Porch Light Interiors, we source textiles worldwide from smaller high-quality businesses. Our team has traveled to other countries to meet with textile designers and select the most stunning, high-quality fabrics for you! Each piece of textile is a work of art. We have fabrics that are hand block and screen printed from places such as America, Europe, India and of course locally here in Australia. These patterns and dyes are printed on high-quality natural materials such as cotton and linen, giving the fabrics beautiful textures and tactile qualities.

Bardon House Lounge Room

The level of detail and work that goes into creating these designs is amazing. The creation of some of the multi-coloured textiles we stock is a detailed process, with each colour being screen printed separately and dried before the next colour is applied. This technique makes each batch unique in the variations of pigment density.

Bardon House Bedroom


So choosing one of these beautiful fabrics for your home would allow you to have a style that is unique and defies fast-fashion trends. Here at Porch Light, we customise designs, creating textile combinations exclusively selected for you. By having unique soft furnishings, you won’t tire of the aesthetic of your home, allowing you to achieve longevity from your beautiful textiles.